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Hey man


Nah The one I saw was a pale green colour and I spotted it in the morning at about 8:30am.


Show us some pics of yours!!!


Mine gets on the road soon..





Hey Tally,


That 25 u seen, was it red?

mighta been me maybe as i was in the city that night, yes the rolla is a bit rough atm, but will be undergoin a small makeover soon.


I'm only new here but ive had me 25 for about 6 months and licence (p's) for about 6 weeks. hahaha good fun.




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Lets see now. At my school with the year 12's driving there are now 3 KE70's running around. One of these is also a science faculty person (2 students, last one adult).


Going through Rowland Flat I saw a White KE55 4 door parked in a carpark.


At Nuri High there was another KE70 and a KE30 4 door (I think).


Then of course there is the blue KE55 4 door I see every day parked in my neighbours driveway, damn that thing flies aswell.

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Saw a AE112 today pretty sure it was soulsearchers, same colour and wheels. if anyone knows if soulsearchers no. plate starts with XKK-??? then it was theirs. looked pretty good.


A few KE70's and my mates AE80 gettin round at my old high school. seems the old rollas are startin to get popular with the younger driver (P platers) me included. maybe cos their cheap and you can give them a floggin and they come back for more, like mine.




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