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Bianca - Haha that reminds me of a KE20 around the corner from my old high school. Early model too, but the whole car looks like its been painted with a brush, with blue house paint, including all rubbers, plastic trims, door handles, bumpers etc. I cried a little haha.


CD_rollaman - I think that might be the one I've been trying to chase down, did it have venetians, either hubbies and whitewalls or black centred Jellybeans or similar?


Cheers, Ben.

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  • 2 weeks later...
CD_rollaman - I think that might be the one I've been trying to chase down, did it have venetians, either hubbies and whitewalls or black centred Jellybeans or similar?


Cheers, Ben.


Yeah it definitely had White walls, I only saw it at a distance so I couldn't make out the rims and I never saw the rear window.

Edited by CD_rollaman
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  • 2 weeks later...
Spotted a KE25 like Raven's (same colour). It was driving along west tce. Hubcaps and all. Was a bit rough though.


Hmmm makes me wanna go and find that overrated orange granny-spec KE25 I seen...





Hey Tally,


That 25 u seen, was it red?

mighta been me maybe as i was in the city that night, yes the rolla is a bit rough atm, but will be undergoin a small makeover soon.


I'm only new here but ive had me 25 for about 6 months and licence (p's) for about 6 weeks. hahaha good fun.




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