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What Grinds My Gears.

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Being accepted into the army as a Rifleman, But having to fix my own tooth before they take me in.... wtf happened to free dental lol

I'm also heading to the army soon Mason, a glitch in their computer system or the incompetence of my case manager has made my wait painfully long.

WGMG: Sick as a dog!

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You don't have to be young and super fit, and you don't have to be a meat shield either. Acceptance age is 55 max for someone with an established trade or experience in the appropriate fields; so there is still hope for you yet Reed. :happy:

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I'm also heading to the army soon Mason, a glitch in their computer system or the incompetence of my case manager has made my wait painfully long.



dude its shit the wait hey, i applied last july, and only got accepted today. and still have to wait for a position at kapooka. Probably anoher 3 months +


as to the age limit carbon boy its 55 :)

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You don't have to be young and super fit, and you don't have to be a meat shield either. Acceptance age is 55 max for someone with an established trade or experience in the appropriate fields; so there is still hope for you yet Reed. :happy:


Any idea on trades they take on?

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Heaps of trades are screaming for men and women in the army check the link Mason posted, Also the mines are also in desperate need of workers. skilled or not they are taking anyone with an able body. Couple of my mates are up in Gin Gin (north QLD) raking in the money atm.


I applied last February only to loose interest because of a girl and reactivated my application a month or so ago. Worst decision I ever made, kicking myself as I would have been killing it by now.

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that sucks man, soo gald I passed the phsyc and medical testing at the assesment day today, can't wait to get in. going to be one heck of a challenge

Ace'd the psyc/written test back before they had the medical on the same day, so I'm just waiting on the physical before I'm shipped off. Hopefully Priority job speeds up my application :wink:

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Hahahahahah.... Army *Correction Kapooka* isn't a challenge mate trust me ;)


As for age limit its 55 as the cut off. In my platoon there was a guy who reached the cutoff limit a week after he was in, lucky as!


Physical to get in is easy as all hell, Same thing for the Recruit Fitness test at the end, just be warned most people don't feel the PT sessions in recruiting are enough and loose weight/fitness.


WGMG: Got quoted 'roughly' $500 to get a car from Adelaide to Darwin, parents have now tried to book it in to be told it will cost $1170 as there is no 'backloading'. -.-

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Yes! 8/12 is the most regimental place in the Army you can go to. People think Infantry is hard until they get in and realise that on base all they do is eat, go to the gym and sunbake at the pool most of the time. Where as 8/12 runs you into the ground, plus Heave bar's all around the buildings that you need to use before entering.

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How young do you have to be? Do they have a cutoff age or something?



You don't have to be young and super fit, and you don't have to be a meat shield either. Acceptance age is 55 max for someone with an established trade or experience in the appropriate fields; so there is still hope for you yet Reed. :happy:


I'm a Kiwi, have to be a citizen to be in the aussie army. So I'd need to do the whole become an Aussie thing. That's a hard ask for a Kiwi! :wink:

Plus I have a family and we are struggling as it is. Gapping off for months at a time would be hard. If I was single it'd be a no brainer. :y:


I tried for ages to get into the NZ army and they never got back to me and I chased them up for ages and got sick of it so I got a job.


Ill wait for the zombie apocalypse to prove myself...

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