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What Grinds My Gears.

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go in on Saturday, order an adjustable whiteline sway bar for the s15.


only reason i go to sueprcheap is my mate has a trade card, 10% off.


i order it, and am told i must pay more than 50% upfront (special order, expensive item etc), i say fare enough. EFTPOS 100% of item, total of $293.00.


all good, walk out reasonably happy with my purchase.


get a call yesterday, they can't get the part. their suppliers are unable to supply it. and all they can offer is a refund. why? they don't know. they RECOMMEND i try autobahn, which is the shop next door. weird how a shop next door can get the part, yet they can't. "Everything auto and much much more"....my ass!


So i have to leave work early, drive down to the shop (40mins from work), and get my refund. they can only give me cash refund, so now i have $293 cash in my wallet and no swaybar. and wasted a good 1hr driving around in traffic yesterday arvo to collect formentioned cash.


i ring up bursons today, i ordered it over the phone, it will be here Thursday. i haven't paid anything yet. and its only $267 (with no discount card)


i can see why people are boycotting shops and buying online!

Edited by ke70dave
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Can't agree more Dave with supercheap. I only really go in to the one near home now for a look see and a perv. For a face to face i've found Bursons is the go. Other then that its online.


This damn toowoomba weather is pissing me off. If i had enough band aids i'd cut myself off at the neck, every single bloody joint below is aching. Phuck you Mother Nature your nothing but a cold-heartless bitch.

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So can I... $226.80 delivered off ebay. I think it's the same?


yeah not the same as the one i bought. But yeah i could have got it off ebay for about 250-260 delivered.


but my paypal account is playing up atm (i got hacked a while ago...), and i don't mind going to a shop if i can just pick it up on the way home etc, and i have a spare Saturday to install it this weekend, so i wanted it asap, not waiting for money to clear or slow postage etc.

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Lol, just re-read your post Dave... s15 not KE15 :blush:


Edit: S15 ones are on there, a little cheaper.


haha i was a little confused......


i got the 3 way adjustable 27mm one.


cause everyone knows that if its adjustable...its better. why i hear you ask? it just is.

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WGMG - People who have hickeys on their necks, I mean people still do that?


Let alone come to work and have that crap on their neck, or trying to cover it with makeup


"They still make you?"


I prefer people to come straight off the bench and score some points!!

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