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What Grinds My Gears.

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probably flew into the glass window, and when it slammed into the glass, crapped itself....onto for mentioned window.




That does kind of make sense



Ninja bird.


We had one that would kinda hover and attack its reflection, and shit... Everywhere. Just one window. Man it wad a mess.


That also makes sense


I was curious as lookin at windows here at work thats all


Haha reed got a pic of this ninja bird,


at least it did not catch its reflection off a spoon and thought, "hey your really really really good looking"

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Could have also been above the window, dropped a douki, wind caught it and it hit the top of the window


Justin that was a terrible reason, the awning is like a meter in length,


unless hurricane Katrina was across the road,


you crack me up tho, haha

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Be very afraid! The birds have learnt the toss bombing technique!

Toss bombing is one thing.



You think your all nice and safe under cover from the pigeons with their toss bombing runs. But then from the corner of your eye you see one coming in low under the awning heading straight for the table straight at you.

You think "Oh crap" so you start to duck and spot just as it crosses the table, a blob of white and grey stuff eject from its underbelly and with a boing boing boing it gets you in the eye.


Live in fear people when the pigeon learns the bouncing bomb technique.....

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WGMG - People leaving a note on my rolla asking for a test drive, WTF???


Other week was asking if i would sell it, i don't have a problem with this just the context use


"Buy your car, cash"


Just as bad as some clown leaning on it at Harry's, so i sat on his 370Z

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