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What Grinds My Gears.

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<br />If there is no pub there, i wont be going anywhere near sippy downs,<br /><br />Ill stick to Ettamogah thanks<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Chancellor Hotel right next door. I don't feel white trash enough to go to the Mogah.

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WGMG - changing vs commodore auto gearboxes on the ground with only a scissor jack and two blokes, car up on stands, and fighting the fcuking POS genie extractors that join the Y piece and only join at the centre muffler

Probs not as hard but me and phil-keto did a manual conversion on my 55 coupe in his paddock with 1 scissor jack under the side of the car that's it. Looking back and I realise how dangerous it was.


wgmg: no motivation to spend time or money on my car.

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WGMG - Having the whole weekend planned out to get a heap of work done on the car only to get home from work on Friday afternoon to discover that it's all gone to $h1t & I'm gonna be lucky to get near it at all.




Edit: WGMG - My housemates 10yr old daughter having 4 friends over for a sleepover... :blinks: I'm getting the hell outta home tonight!! :yes:

Edited by carbonboy
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You work at a fitness place right? Best sessions ever are the ones when you still reek, seedy as all hell and just smash yourself.


...Then again if your helping out people probably not the best idea :P


WGMG: Bank saying no to a loan due to the car, amount is fine etc they just don't trust the car. Different bank time.

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WGMG: Bank saying no to a loan due to the car, amount is fine etc they just don't trust the car. Different bank time.


WGMG - The assesor for the bank valuing the rolla, and is worth as much as a overrated KE20, but owes me about as much as a Great Wall, haha

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Meeting a guy from AE86Dc who was picking up some parts off me.


He was shocked that I was the guy as I looked way too old to have an AE86.


Was so pissed, I didn't bother telling him I had owned the car since before he was even born......

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Least you know you put that amount into something decent :yes:


haha yeah true, but the work was done 5 years ago, so some parts and labour were relatively cheaper back then


Would be nice to have those luxiries now and then, but for performance, sacrifices have to be made *sigh haha

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