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Turbo_rolla's Ke70


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Okay, picture time again............



Paul (left) and Mick (right) deep in thought


Engine out - sorta oily as the air con was accidentally undone :D


a neil-powered ke70 :D


Hmmmm, trd 3 puck clutch set :y:


4age going in, under watchful supervision of mick and my g/f's dad


why did it fire and then die down to nothing????? :P (part A)


why did it fire and then die down to nothing????? :P (part B)


Me buzzing away at the exhaust.....yes, i actually did some work :)


Paul (my master mechanic) welding said ^^ exhaust together :D


So they're a few more pics from the old conversion!!!

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Well, i can make up the list of credits now, that's easy:


"Oh my, i really wasnt expecting this......its just a privilige to drive such an awesome car, but i couldnt have done it without the help of some people that i hold close to my heart. Firstly, i'd like to thank sweet baby jesus...... :D


Thanks to my boys, Paul & neil, my rollaclub buddies Mick & Craig, my g/f's dad, paul's mates who were there for a bit, Autotech Imports for a sweet engine, Sprints auto for all the parts we needed, and my bank :)


Will definately have to get a group photo organised though, surrounding the ke70 sometime soon!!!!! :D

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Well, this is a bit of a "nothing" post in my member's ride thread, but thought i'd chuck it up anyway.


Got to take the rolla for the first decent spin since i got my cast off, and i think i fell in love with the 4age all over again. It was a bit wet down here tonight, so had a LITTLE bit of fun (only getting the ass out a couple of times). Gotta say that i love the response of the 4age.........pulled out of a carpark, gave it a squirt, and it just lit them up and sat on 7000-8000rpm with the odd squeeze everynow and then to keep it up there. Sounds f$#ken awesome in the higher range! ANd did a standstill a little later on, and same again......didnt have to drop the clutch or anything, just first gear going up hill, full gas, loss of traction, then on and off the gas (hit the limiter a couple of times :y:). Oh, and the little pickup you feel after you throw it into second when giving it a bit (TVIS???) :D


Then on the way home from my mates, a VT tried to have a run. We were slowin down to a red light, and it went green, so off we went (me lowish revs in 2nd). Quite easily kept in front of him, and pulled away slightly even :D Then Pulled up behind him at a set of lights (no spots next to him), and we both pulled off......had no problem again, and got "the nod" after we came back together (i backed off a bit sooner being the responsible driver i am :D ). Was gonna try my luck against a r33 gst25 (n/a), but we couldnt get any line ups, but i think i might have been out of my league there.


All in all though, it was a fun night and reinforced my high opinion of the 4age and its place in my ke70! :) can't recommend it highly enough to anyone considering doing it!!!!!! :P :P :yes:


Oh, also got a new set of rocker covers to play with now so gonna clean them up in my mate's sandblaster on monday and spray them, so will chuck some pics up once that's done. ALso looking to spray the rims this weekend, but we'll see how we go! Will update the thread once done :)

Edited by turbo_rolla
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cool sounds wicked I'm doin same to my 70 but a 100kw smallport, gotta do the pedal box and master today its gonna be a shit of a job but ah well... any advice on it? lol
You wont regret it mate! :) Um, advice......pedal box is REALLY fiddly, and in particular two bolts right up near the firewall (you'll know the ones) that are a bitch to get to. For the last one, we ended up drilling through the aircon ducting with a hole saw cause we just couldnt get in there. Though, if the whole dash was off this might've been easier???? (we didnt take the dash out). Master isnt too bad.....hole saw, few holes carefully measured out and bob's your auntie =0)


Other than that, the rest isnt too bad from what i remember, just time consuming more than anything. the pedal box was the main f$#k around for us, and probably something that took us way longer than it needed to.


If you're using a t-18 diff, we didnt need to change handbrake cables, as the t-18 ones fit just fine and it all works thus far. gearbox xmember only required a couple of new holes in it to bolt on (t-50 x-member), oh, and you'll need the speedo sender from the t-50. didnt get it with mine, and think the speedo is out by about 10km/h (using the stock ke70 - k40/50 one). AE71 radiator fitted with some small brackets made on the side to bolt it to, then into the existing holes. all hoses lined up where they needed to from memory.


Hopefully you went alright though! if you (or anyone else) got any questions, let me know and i'll see if i can help ya out.


Main thing at the end of the day ---------------- RESEARCH definately pays off. I did a heap of research and asked a few questions, and it helped so much at the end of the day! :y:

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Do it in a place were it can be left and not get in the way for the times when you get pissed off and just leave it.
Couldnt agree more! we did it in my mates shed, which was good cause it was quite big, had a pit, and was just good to leave it when we needed a break before we smashed something! :y: just take your time with it, and don't be in a huge rush :)
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Okay, cleaned up a "spare" rocker cover set i got from a mate yesterday (with the help of a mate), and have slapped em on the rolla now and it looks pretty good imo. Here's some pics from the process:


Started with:


In the sandblaster:


Out of the sandblaster:


Cooking in the oven - cook until nice and tender :D



So, just a quck recap of what was on the 4age when i purchase it:


And, the End result #1


End result #2



Gonna get either some stainless bolts or spray the existing ones black for the bit on the spark plug alley cover. also gotta get the rubber that surrounds that black bit as the original one had corroded. Happy as it is though as the jdm didnt even have one on there. Extractors are next (either black/aluminium look like the rocker cover), and intake manifold. Will get the engine bay looking nice eventually!


Having some issues with the fuel system at the moment though. went for a run yesterday, got to my mates and it dumped fuel out under the engine, from the chassis rail :y: For whatever reason the carbon canister is filling with fuel, and the "vent" at the bottom which normally vents excess fumes to the atmosphere is instead dumping fuel. So we think one of the hoses has been hooked up as a "return" rather than a "breather", or something along those lines. looking into it further, just gotta work out what hoses on the tank are what. Lots of fun :)

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was gonna leave it, but MIGHT paint them. wanted to do the 16 valve in blue as it should be being jdm, but dunno if i can justify a can of spray paint to do 7 numbers/letters :y: would have to find something else to do blue (no, not the extractors - they're chaning colour for sure). We shall see :)

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