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Posts posted by Istartfires

  1. If they are 4x110 and don't suit your KE70, spread the love here to the early KE owners and pass on the details.. I am sure someone with a KE10 would love those for their car, they would look great!


    No worries mate will do

  2. Hey guys and girls I found a set of dragways for a pretty good price but am unsure of there pcd, all I know is they are from a four stud rx7(that's what the guy says) will they fit my ke70?

  3. ISTARTFIRES, it would be a bolt in affair if you get the things you need, 1. You will need a ae71 pedal box or hydraulic clutch master and slave cylinder, and the line, 2. An ae71 crossmember, and i think a ae71 gearbox crossmember and it'll just about bolt in and run :) hope that helps, and 13T-U's do exsist i had one from a t18 in my old ta22 then i broke it haha

    Thanks dude

  4. T18 = steering box

    Ke70 = rack and pinion.


    Cross members are not interchangeable unless you can cut the rack mounts off and re-weld them.


    Custom mounts ?

    So not a bolt in affair? I'm pretty bad when it comes to cars but I hope my mate can help me.

  5. Would it be a good ideato do a 13t-u conversion into my ksev? I am thinking about buying a defected t18 (on the forum here) and putting the motor in. How hard would this conversion be and what else would I need ? Any imput is good.

    I would have searched but I don't know how on my iPhone

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