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  1. cheers dude i did everything on that car myself apart from rollcage and was 1 of the 1st japanese cars featured in street machine that didnt need 2 win grand champion at summernats 2 do it and yeah just wanted 2 share info etc its good 2 c a few cool dude on here
  2. thanks trev you hit the nail on the head mate i build cars 4 living not play on laptop my computer skills are yeah shit just thought it wood be cool 2 join and talk 2 like minded people but i think my mate was rite about this site man seeing as there is dudes windging about my spelling cheers for the info on uploading photos not gunna bother with this site tho man already startn 2 do my head in just chatting if your on face book look me up scott briant profile pic is the wagon.
  3. hey dude i hav a ke55 sedan ke35 coop ke30 ke10 a jzs147 aristo single turbo and a 600hp cressida want to put some photos up but don't no how new 2 site can't even put profile pic up any help cheers mate
  4. geez felix your a pretty funny dude if u guys like corollas so much u wood appreciate people doin them up what ever whey they choose I'm happy 2 c what eva a person duz 2 a corolla apart from wrecking them. as 4 its my money its called a hobby mate nuthn 2 do with the money its the enjoyment of buildn it and driving the wheels of it. as ive just joined this site i was hoping it wasnt full of dickheads bagging other peoples cars but it seems i could be rong. i have owned 22 corollas 2 date and still have 4 now and lets face it a 3 4 5k with a webber wasnt gunna turn tyres at what eva speed i wanted 2 or get a corolla in street machine etc.
  5. poser burnout car ey it was registered and if u youtube the plates ke355 u will c it is no poser burnout car i built it and drove i think i no who the poser is
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